Sunday, November 28, 2010

Wisdom Teeth Bone Through Gum

Weekend snow and work in progress!

This we have for relaxation ... sometimes it takes! Also attracted to the freezing conditions that there is here! And in fact this morning we woke up late and looking out the window, here's a nice surprise .............

... how nice it is very early Christmas ... we just hope that does not overdo it with the snow ... it's the first winter campaign in the new cottage I would not stay locked here! Well at least I have a little 'more time to finish the thousands of jobs that I am working on!

During a bit busy this week I '... some gift for Christmas and a debut for my little cousin ... a Mostrilli soft soft ... but I do not see why there is really a Mostrilli ... Monster!

definitely had better limit myself to my first love, the restoration and decoration ...
About ...

Here you see the door that I had done I had begun to recover, the work continues ... slowly starting to look better ...

At first I thought of colors but once I saw the wood almost completely stripped I fell in love and I plan to keep it so ...

They have their own special charm .... I finish the details and then apply a light wax finish, I can not wait to let you see hanging. He closed with a purse and a rabbit hutch curtain fabric in cream ...

after starting I stopped a moment and I jumped on what was to become a Christmas gift for my parents. I can begin to post photos because both have already seen in the same way it was (and is also horrified .... shifty-eyed !!!).
This will require a lot 'of work, in fact I know that will not be ready for Christmas ... need 2 days to strengthen the structure, 2 days for biting and grouting, 10-15 days for the moth-proof, and then the finish ... no I would say that by Christmas we are not ... Oops! I missed a bit 'oh well ... to deal with the Christmas present of a voucher for a desk over at the end of restoration!

Here ... as it was when we found it sufficiently battered, rusty and rotten to attract my attention ...
But we must say that although it was a bit 'disastrous, it has the merit of having the plan done by a single axis of walnut, which is very difficult to find in the cabinets of this type. I've already gone and I straightened the curvature due to decades of neglect ... What a beautiful grain ...

We want to talk of mania that had once to dispose of all time to renew a bit '??
I had to remove 4 layers of enamel of different colors and still is not completely stripped ... What an effort! AAAHHRGGGGGGGGGG!
axis of the rectangle that holds the legs is not genuine and should be removed. An attempt at a little 'clumsy recovery did some damage but fortunately recovered with a little' hard work. The legs probably because of the joints that are loose or the glue had not dried and were placed stronger nails to hold them. This solution not only solved the problem but has also caused the breakage of the upper front and repositioned it and stopped. In the picture you can see the nails and the front axle broke ... so it was probably inserted to hold the rectangular structure of the desk without Gemba. I have to pull out the nails and thoroughly clean the joints of the legs, then you can go to paste ...

For now we are stuck at this point ... today the works are suspended because baptism ... and next week as well ... for commitment of God .. . I go for a ride with my friends (guess who?) Curiosa fair to be held in Modena on next weekend? And you be there? Please let me know, we can find there, it would be really nice ... some snow ......... permitting!
Ragazzeeeeeeee ........ countdown! Synchronize watches!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Lemons And Acid Reflux

Mou-I love them all!

But you understand??

MOUARE ... I mean the verb TO BE IF 'THE toffee !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Very good, I love them ... so off to the preparation ...

Here's what you need:
  • 250ml cream 250g sugar

  • contained the seeds of vanilla bean in half

  • 30g butter

So do this:

Place sugar in a pan, preferably made of steel and thick bottom. A high heat and continue to stir the caramel prepared with sugar. When ready heat the cream in which you put the seeds of vanilla and then add it to the wire to the caramel, stirring constantly. Keep warm over low heat and, if necessary, remove from flame. Once you add the cream and add the butter and continue cooking until the mixture is quite denso.Versare the mixture into a pan lined with parchment paper ............. go jump on the couch with a good book and wait a couple of hours to cool. You can cut the candy

using a lightly oiled knife or heated, or, as I did, use the wheel for the pizza!

You can store them in a tightly closed tin or pack it with a paper for a bakery ...

will also heat (that are good for maintaining the status of big-blogger!) But they are a blessing for the mood ... try it!

Now that I think ... I'll get one! Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Monday, November 22, 2010

Bumps In Back Of Throat


awaiting the impending release of GT5 I thought of giving a good sprinkling of the old PS2 and a stretch in inches with the ever-valuable GT4, whose outstanding feature click and it will not export images never to be amazed by the brilliant results:

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Make Strong Wood Bridge

Work in progress! While they stripped

...................... Be patient we are working for you!

new clothes for the blog ...........................

If I can do to make everything work!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Credit Suisse Interview Questions Singapore

... tutorial for mini black book!

Hello to all!

today here in the flat was a foggy and drizzly day, winter looms and the desire to spend Sunday afternoon on the couch with the cover can be heard!

How can we not stand here and say ... lazy .... otherwise how can the Cad complicate life for today??
Uhummmmmmmmmmm ..................... ..............

Determined! I started removing paint the doors that will decorate a niche in this Ca'Cad these ... ... for the record that among other things under the glaze turned out to be dry and ruined a beautiful oak ...

........ .... but as they were old, rotten and rusty for me are absolutely wonderful.

While they work to these "jewels" but I leave you a present ... so I do forgive the long absence .............. a mini tutorial to get a ' Notebook / quadernino / notes / thoughts on which to pin holder your creative ideas!

few days I was being creative .... I rummaged in the Cad-boxes of a variety of materials bought or made from recycled and hobbies of the past ...

So what I found paper ................................ .......... the back of Ikea Billy (Lesson 1: to preserve and recycle more, sooner or later all of the batteries can serve !)............. elastic ...... .........

To which I thought "Come on I need your un'agendina, do not ever find a suitable size and then why not ???"...............

And outside? What better opportunity to use the beautiful cloth that gave me the Queen and experience the sounds and rattles rusty purchased Creattiva?? Sew sew
.......... ..... .... cut paste coating .... ..................... .
few hours of work and here is the result ...


  • Sheets A4
  • cardboard for the cover (or back of Billy !!!!!!!)
  • a piece of fleece to pad a cloth cover to cover
  • various decorations and any
  • elastic to close
  • hot glue and glue
  • sewing machine terminals
  • cutter bench

1) take the A4 and cut them in half with the cutter over the counter.

2) fold the sheets in two small groups and then not too thick (about 5-10 sheets) and sew with a sewing machine

3) overlaps with precision blocks and keep in shape with the terminals

4) glue the blocks on the side of the back with hot glue and keep in shape until completely dry

5) prepared with three cardboard rectangles that will form the front, back and spine dell'agendina and lined with the fleece sewn into the glue

6) play with the fabric and then fold inward and paste with glue

7) pierce the back cover and insert a flexible tube that will to close the address book, lock it with a seam

8) add a belt that will serve as a bookmark, and paste it back dell'agendina

8) create a rectangle from the same cloth to coat the inside cover, making sure that the point of union remains within the elastic.

9) paste the block of pages inside the cover

And that's it .................. good work!

And you .... what have you been doing today?

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

How To Make A Sausage Stuffer Out Of Pvc Pipe


Monday, November 8, 2010

How Much Does Vsp Cover

Live @ Red Pepper - Arcore

Great evening, great rock, great beer and great fun the other night at the Red Pepper Arcore.
Two groups like Vertical Smile and Topper Harley have in common besides the drummer a great passion for music and the stage (even when a stage is not real ...) have given two hours of heavy true to show a "large" public connoisseurs! Evening
hard-rock to 360 degrees, complete with a sudden show the red light on the giant screen brawl between the present and half concert!








Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Furry Yiff Flash Animations

Probability, worth it?

Despite the horde of skeptics who repeats to exhaustion that the numbers have no menor, that at every startup can get out heads or tails, etc.. and although on wikipedia there is a page dedicated to "the fallacious theory " I insist. In my opinion it's worth it, and try to demonstrate why.
As I have said no one wants to find a method to predict the next number to come to an event X, after a T-zero, or even after a million times that number did not come out.
It 's impossible.
I join the chorus of skeptics saying that every lot number, roulette, as well as each side of the coin just before an event has the same opportunities as other numbers either side.
In fact we are not always thinking at the time an event, but a population of events.
We're not guessing a number, but trying to figure out how to involve a series of numbers. And the more the series is about the size of the randomness tends to "dim", crushed under the weight of the "Law of Large Numbers."
Just to see if it works yet tried to extract (also from atmospheric noise) 8 series of random numbers from 1 to 100 (50.5 average): 10, 100, 500, and see how it evolves, the average numbers generated

Bernulli can rest quiet in his grave.
Back to the series, and we see in a binomial distribution (red / black, head / cross, etc. ..) by taking a population of 100 elements and analyzing the probability that a combination bait 100 times, 99 times, 98 and so on.

But what a beautiful bell! What does this graph? That when faced with a population of elements, the probability that the number of outputs to equilibrate more or less homogeneously between the two possible values \u200b\u200bis much higher than the probability that the result is already only moderately biased towards a single value.

Now, back to the theory called the "Fallacy of the gambler, very well explained by wikipedia:

The gambler's fallacy can be illustrated taking the example of the repeated toss of a coin. Using a coin free of irregularities, the chances of getting head is exactly T = 0.5 (one in two), to obtain two consecutive T is 0.5 * 0.5 = 0.25 (one in four), to obtain three consecutive T is 0.5 * 0.5 * 0.5 = 0125 (one in eight), and so on.
Now suppose we have achieved four consecutive head. An individual victim of the gambler's fallacy might say, "If the next time you head out, there would be a succession of five times when heads. The probability of a sequence of five consecutive tests is (1 / 2) 5 = 1 / 32, therefore, the next attempt is a probability of only 1 to 32 of heads. "
This is a false reasoning. If money is regular, by definition, the probability of C = Cross must always be 0.5, never higher (or lower), and the probability of heads must always be 0.5, never less (or more). While the probability of a sequence of five consecutive tests is only 1 in 32, this applies only before the first coin toss. After the first four launches of the results are no longer unknown, so are not counted. The probability of five consecutive tests is the same for four consecutive tests followed by a cross. The fact that Cross is not come out more likely. In fact, the calculation of the probability of 1 to 32 was based on the assumption that Heads or Tails are equally probable in each test. Each of the two possible events has a probability identical regardless of the number of times that the coin was launched previously and independently the results have already occurred. Believe that in the next jump is more likely to come out head based on the Cross rather than the previous releases is a mistake. The error is in the idea that they were lucky in the past somehow influences the development of future trials.
not flawless but I repeat: this is not to predict a future event based on past events but to predict the final outcome of a series of events, all in the future.

return to reality: if the bet doubling on a finite sequence of five extractions are likely to lose 1 to 32, and this is good news. The bad news is that in that case I would lose € 62, compared with:
16 out of 32 chance of winning after having played 4 2 and then go to +2
8 chance of winning eight of 32 after having played six and then go to 4 +2
probability to win 32 of 16 after having played 14 and then go to 2 +2
chance to win 32 of 32 after having played 30 and then go to +2
a chance to win 32 of 64 after having played 62 and then go to 2
a chance as we said at the beginning (and assuming to impose a limit of five games) to never win, and lose everything and then played a total of until then.

The question then to ask is: we want to play not once but 5 times with a chance of losing 32 to € 62 compared to 31 out of 32 chance to win 2?
not sure, but it's more of a pure random event.

The answer to the original question but if it's worth playing with their fingers crossed in one hand, and in the results of the spreadsheet is: "Yes, yes and again yes, but it is clear: not to win but to play with more awareness!

What To Do If Employee Has Mono

The lightsaber! Small

What is the most "geeks" of all time? I'd say the answer is discounted: Star Wars! And what enters Star Wars, the Chinese and the tip of a drill? We'll find out soon.
start from the fact that the drill bits, a foot long ones, are sold in packs of cylindrical plastic, and that once I have found one to be thrown away I did not felt, and I've kept for us something.
That "who knows what" has become "something" just yesterday .....
Take the pack:
and take a couple of those "blocchettini" of high-brightness LEDs found in a tide of Chinese gadgettini (torcetti, drains, lights, etc ...)

glued with hot glue to a blocchettino one end, after having paid a fine bipolar cable (that's fine a pair of a cable network)

At the other end glue blocchettino the other, which is also connected to a pair of wires .

The two couples must be connected in series to a 9v battery with a button to activate

And now that Luke is ready to become a Jedi Knight!